Amazon - Mr. & Mrs. Smith Premiere Experience

We gave "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" Premiere guests an immersive AI experience to interact with HiHi, the digital chat operator who assigns espionage missions. Our solution of a little smoke and mirrors drove 100% satisfaction from guests who engaged with the experience.

Mr Mrs Smith Series Poster

Hyping smarter, not harder.

The Challenge

We were asked to give Mr. & Mrs. Smith Premiere guests an AI experience to immerse themselves into the Amazon series by interacting with HiHi, the digital chat operator who assigns espionage missions. The experience had to be engaging and capable of interviewing guests to determine if they are worthy of high or low risk covert operations. All in 2 weeks at a dark and loud premiere party.

Our Approach

Our approach was simple - focus 100% on the user’s experience rather than the trying to impress with the underlying technology. We removed all risk that comes with packaged AI solutions and unpredictable environment variables. On the night of the event, we delivered a rock-solid experience with a mix of ingenuity, proven technology and, of course, some smoke and mirrors.


The premiere was a smash hit. Over 150 guests got their chat on with the HiHi kiosks and left the event STOKED—they really felt like they were living in the Mr. & Mrs. Smith universe.

Bank vault showing kiosks inside


Amazon developed a new series Mr. & Mrs. Smith, inspired by the 1996 TV series and the 2005 film of the same name. The Smiths take on a separate mission in each of eight episodes - always instructed by a HiHi, a mysterious chat operator with no voice or face - just words on a screen. To engage with series premiere guests, we created 2 HiHi kiosks to put them directly into the series. As they walked up to a kiosk, HiHi would welcome them and ask them a series of questions in order to assess if they were capable of high or low risk operations. Following the interview, a keepsake card is ejected that assigns them as high or low risk agents.
Questions typed out on a screen

Our Services

  • UX and UI Design
  • Copywriting
  • Video Animation
  • Event Activation Production
  • Website Development
  • Tool Integration
  • Quality Assurance
  • Event Support
Lead actors on the red carpet
The premiere event was held at the historic Williamsburg Savings Bank in New York where the exciting silent actions scene was shot for episode 2.
Large epic bank in New York
The premiere included 300+ guests - the HiHi kiosks were available prior to the screening and at the jam packed after party.
Women sitting at a kiosk
Guests entered the vault for their interview with the HiHi Kiosks. They left amazed at the experience and wondered how it actually worked exactly like in the episodes.

The Results

Guest interactions
Guests left smiling with their agent status card
Defects or technical issues during the event

Keep it interesting. Let's chat.

v50 raccoon
v50 heart